Food allergy is the reaction of your child’s immune system to that food after eating a food. Even a small amount of an allergy-causing food can trigger symptoms in your child. For this reason, after the correct diagnosis by an allergist, the treatment phase is very important for the disease not to progress. We answered what happens after untreated food allergy.
Conditions That May Develop When Food Allergy Is Not Treated
If your child has a food allergy, it can cause other health problems if left untreated. These health problems can affect your child’s life or, in very serious cases, they can be life-threatening. Therefore, the treatment of food allergy should be considered important and should not be ignored.
We can list the health problems that may occur when food allergy in children is not treated as follows;
Anaphylaxis: Since your child’s food allergy is not diagnosed and treated and therefore the food to which he is allergic is not known, a shock condition called anaphylaxis may occur when he or she eats the food that he is allergic to and that his body reacts to. Anaphylaxis is a serious, life-threatening crisis situation.
Topical dermatitis (Eczema): If your child’s food allergy is not treated, it can cause atopic dermatitis, ie eczema, which is commonly known as eczema. In fact, the cause of atopic dermatitis is mostly food allergy. In untreated food allergy, your child’s consumption of a certain food may cause skin itching, redness, swelling, and skin rash.
Migraine: The histamines released in your child’s body in an allergic reaction can trigger migraine.