Spring months are the months we all love very much. But they are a nightmare for those with spring allergy. Because those who have seasonal allergies experience problems with symptoms such as itching in the nose, watering and itching in the eyes, runny nose, cough in spring.
- Spring allergies
- What is Spring Allergy?
- What are the symptoms of spring allergy?
- When do symptoms of spring allergy begin?
- How is a spring allergy diagnosed?
- When allergy test can be done(which age)?
- Treatment of spring allergy
- What measures should be taken for prevention from pollen in spring months?
- When the vaccine treatment can be started (which age)?
- Key Points For Spring Allergy
Spring allergies
With the end of the winter season in March and April, the diseases show up such as spring fatigue, flu, colds, diarrhea and also allergic diseases. Among allergic diseases, allergic cold, eye allergy and asthma are the most important diseases of spring months. In this period, tricks for spring allergy can be our savior.
What is Spring Allergy?
In the spring, March, April and May, with the spread of pollen in the air, the appearance of allergic flu, eye allergy showing symptoms such as nose itching, sneezing, cold, nasal congestion, itching is called spring allergy.
In the spring months, symptoms of asthma, such as frequent coughs and shortness of breath, can also be seen. Allergic rhinitis and asthma is usually seen together in children.
Spring allergy is also known as pollen allergy. Because the main cause of spring allergy is pollen.
What are the symptoms of spring allergy?
Since spring allergy can cause allergic cold, eye allergy and asthma, it is manifested by the symptoms of these diseases in spring.
Allergic symptoms such as cold, nasal congestion, sneezing, itching in the nose, itching in the palate, itching in the ears, frequent nosebleeds, eye allergy symptoms such as watery eyes, itching, and asthma symptoms such as breathing jam, frequent cough are the most important symptoms of spring allergy.
If these symptoms occur especially in the spring, spring allergy should definitely be considered.
Children with spring allergies are very sensitive to odors. Spring allergy causes damage to the eyes, nose and lungs. Therefore, the nose, eyes and lungs are extremely sensitive. Since children with spring allergies are extremely sensitive to odors, it is important to wash the laundry with non-perfumed detergent and use unscented products for house cleaning.
Spring allergy makes children tired and affects school success. Since children with spring allergies usually have a stuffy nose, their sleep quality also deteriorates. Children who do not get a good sleep feel tired and sluggish all day long. This seriously affects school success.
When do symptoms of spring allergy begin?
Symptoms of spring allergies begin in March. The first pollen that appeared in March are tree pollen. Grass pollen shows up in April and May. Weed pollen manifests itself from July to October. Learning which pollen is allergic is very important in terms of learning when to take precautions.
Do blooming plants or plants without flowers emit more pollen?
Plants emit pollen to reproduce. Since the pollen of flowering plants are carried by insects, it is less common in the air. For this reason, it causes less pollen allergy. Pollination of flowerless plants occurs with the wind. For this reason, there is a large amount of pollen in the air during the pollen season.
How is a spring allergy diagnosed?
Children with symptoms of spring allergy should be carefully evaluated by “pediatric allergy specialists”. Some tests are done to make a diagnosis. The most important of these tests are allergy tests made on the skin.
Allergy testing also contributes a lot to diagnosing. Diagnosis will be made according to this test and treatment will be planned according to this test. Perhaps, according to this test, allergy vaccine treatment, which we call immunotherapy, will be done.
Children are not adults’ miniatures. For this reason, the test and technique to be performed in children also changes. Testing with the right technique and the right allergens is very important. In addition, it is necessary to be trained to evaluate cross reactions. Allergy testing alone is not enough to diagnose. Definitive diagnosis should be made by the allergy specialists by evaluating the symptoms in the child and the results of the allergy test.
Can allergy tests be made on blood?
Allergy tests on blood may not give very accurate results. Also, blood tests are very expensive. For this reason, since the most accurate result is taken from the allergy tests made on the skin, the allergy tests made on the skin are preferred instead of blood. We prefer to do this test only in children who have problems with the skin or who use drugs that affect skin tests.
When allergy test can be done(which age)?
Allergy testing can be done from the newborn period, but allergy testing for pollen allergy is generally preferred after 2 years of age. This is because at least two pollen seasons must be faced in order for allergies to develop.
Why is spring allergy diagnosis important?
Spring allergy can cause frequent sinusitis, enlarged adenoid, and frequent ear infections. It affects school performance a lot. One in five children with allergic flu may progress to asthma in the future. For this reason, diagnosis is important.
Treatment of spring allergy
Once properly diagnosed, it can be treated with some medications. Treatment success is close to 100%.
In the treatment of spring allergy, drug therapy and vaccine therapy are applied.
What measures should be taken for prevention from pollen in spring months?
Children with allergic disease such as allergic flu, asthma caused by pollen should take some precautions. For example, when leaving the house, sunglasses should be worn and contact with pollen should be prevented. The filter function of the nose should be performed by breathing through the nose instead of the mouth. During pollen-intensive days, should not be walked outside. As long as you stay outside, faces and noses should be washed with water and cleaned from pollen at every opportunity. If time is spent outside, when you come home, clothes should be changed and showers should be taken. Pollen sticks to our clothes.
Is vaccine treatment effective in the treatment of spring allergy?
The success of the immunotherapy treatment, which we call vaccine therapy, is very high. With this treatment, the need for medication will be reduced and its progression to asthma will be prevented. There are methods in the form of injection under the skin and sublingual drops in vaccine treatment. Both methods provide successful results if it is chosen based on the severity of the disease and the allergen type. However, in children, what allergens should the vaccine treatment be made and in what doses should be applied, must be determined only by pediatric allergy specialists. Otherwise, treatment may fail and even serious side effects may be encountered.
Who can get the vaccine treatment for spring allergy?
It is recommended for children who develop asthma and allergic flu due to pollen allergy. First of all, skin test made on children with asthma and allergic cold symptoms such as frequent sneezing, frequent eyes itching, stuffy nose, cough, shortness of breath and then it is decided according to the test result, whether the child is affected by the allergy. If pollen allergy has been detected in the skin test and complaints are increasing in spring, the vaccination may be taken into consideration. The only authorized experts are pediatric allergy specialists on the necessity of vaccine treatment for children and how to do it.
When the vaccine treatment can be started (which age)?
Sublingual vaccines can be started after the age of 3, while subcutaneous injection can be started after 5.
How many types of vaccine treatment are there?
Vaccine therapy has three types. There are sublingual drops, tablets and under the skin injection forms. Subcutaneous vaccines are also of two types. They are two types, all year round and before the season. Only pediatric allergists decide which vaccine to give to which child.
What are the most common mistakes?
As allergy tests alone is not enough make a diagnosis, it is also wrong to try to be diagnosed with tests done by uneducated physicians. Allergy tests should be done with the right technique, interpreted by allergy specialists, and the correct diagnosis should be made.
Key Points For Spring Allergy
If there are symptoms of asthma, allergic flu and eye allergies in spring, it should be examined.
Allergy tests should be carried out by pediatric allergists in children from birth to 18 years old.
During pollen season, efforts should be made not to be outside during peak hours, and should breathe through the nose instead of mouth.
In the spring, sunglasses or regular glasses should be used to protect the eyes from pollen. When you come home in the evening, you should definitely change clothes and take a shower. When you go to work from home, the pollen should be removed by washing the face and mouth and nose by gargling with water.
Drinking plenty of water and juice will make children more fit.