Milliyet Newspaper – April 1, 2021

With the increase in allergic diseases, allergy sufferers are looking for ways to get rid of this situation. Stating that it is possible to get rid of allergies that negatively affect daily life and reduce the quality of life with allergy vaccines, Allergy and Asthma Association President Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akçay gave important information about vaccine treatment.

Allergy vaccines are a type of treatment that is applied to people who are allergic to substances such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, pollen, house dust mites and bee venom, and its therapeutic effect is clear. Allergy vaccine, that is, immunotherapy, involves giving gradually increasing doses of the substance or allergen to which the person is allergic. Increasing increases in the allergen cause the production of a “blocking” antibody that reduces allergy symptoms when the allergen is encountered in the future, and reduces the release of allergy-causing substances, thereby strengthening the immune system and making peace with your allergy.

Who can get the allergy vaccine?

People with allergy asthma, allergic rhinitis, eye allergy, pollen allergy, insect allergy, house dust mite allergy, pet allergy can get allergy vaccine. Allergy vaccines are a good option for those who experience severe allergy symptoms throughout the year and do not want to take medication for a long time. This method of treatment tends to work best for people who are sensitive to inhaled allergens and pesticides.

Are there situations where the allergy vaccine cannot be administered?

In some cases, allergy vaccines cannot be given. These situations are: severe and uncontrolled asthma, autoimmune diseases, immune deficiencies, cancer diseases, cardiovascular diseases, serious chronic and inflammatory diseases.

Caution should also be exercised in those using heart and blood pressure medications called beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors.

What are the benefits of allergy vaccination treatment?

The success rate of allergy vaccine treatment is quite high. Vaccine therapy is currently the only method that treats allergic diseases by influencing the mechanism. In most of the patients, the complaints are completely corrected or reduced by preventing the inflammation caused by the allergy. Thus, the need for medication decreases and the quality of life increases.

Does the allergy vaccine reduce the development of asthma in people with allergic rhinitis?

Allergy vaccine treatment reduces the development of asthma and sensitivity to new allergens in patients with allergic rhinitis. It reduces the severity of allergic rhinitis and asthma. The most important factor in success is the selection of the appropriate patient and the application of the right vaccine. In order for the vaccine to be successful, the treatment must be done by experts in the field.

From what age are allergy vaccines given?

Vaccines in the form of subcutaneous infection can be administered after 5 years of age, and sublingual vaccines after 3 years of age.

When does the effect of the vaccine treatment begin?

The effect of the vaccine treatment begins to show itself 2-4 months after the vaccine is started. At the end of the first year, the effect of the vaccine is fully seen. If no improvement is observed after 1 year of administration, the treatment should be terminated.

What are the methods of allergy vaccination?

Allergy vaccines are of two types as subcutaneous injection and sublingual drops and tablets. In recent years, the oral (oral) vaccination method for foods has also been used.

Subcutaneous injection vaccine therapy (subcutaneous immunotherapy) is injected under the skin in the form of a standardized solution of the allergen to which the person is sensitive. In this method, the doses are increased at regular intervals by starting with a low dose. Vaccination is given weekly at the beginning, then at 15-day and then at 1-month intervals. The duration varies between 3-5 years, but the average is 4 years.

Do allergy vaccines have side effects?

The most important side effect of allergy vaccines is that they can cause an allergic reaction. In subcutaneous injections, swelling or nasal congestion at the injection site; There may be mild symptoms such as itching in the eyes and throat, and rash on the skin. In such cases, the dose can be adjusted and the treatment can be continued. Swelling at the injection sites often develops in subcutaneous injections. Serious reactions are very rare. Just in case, it is necessary to wait under observation in the health center for 30-45 minutes after the vaccination.

There are no serious side effects with sublingual vaccines. The side effects seen in sublingual vaccines are mostly; Itching, swelling and irritation in the mouth and these symptoms disappear over time with the continuity of the vaccine.

Molecular allergy testing increases vaccine success rate

Molecular allergy testing gives us very valuable information about allergy vaccination. The severity of the allergy, its true cause, the allergen put into the vaccine; provides important information on many issues such as cross-reaction. Molecular allergy test, which also provides information about the allergy vaccination method; it also provides information about the potential for allergy vaccine to develop side effects. Therefore, an effective allergy vaccine can be provided by molecular allergy testing.

The molecular allergy test is a test that has the effect of increasing the success rate of the allergy vaccine and providing an efficient treatment.

What’s in the allergy vaccine?

Only standardized in allergy vaccines; the allergen to which the patient is sensitive, and the so-called adjuvant to increase the effectiveness of the vaccine; There are some carriers to which the allergen binds. Apart from that, there is no medicine, especially cortisone.

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