Asthma is an increasing problem for many people, especially with city life, and it is a health problem that is increasing in frequency day by day. Allergic asthma is characterized by persistent cough attacks lasting more than 3 weeks, chest tightness, wheezing and shortness of breath that develop especially at night and show repetitive features. How to diagnose asthma in adults? We will try to answer the question of what are allergic asthma tests.
Asthma symptoms to diagnose asthma in adults
In diagnosing allergic asthma, it is very important to take the patient’s complaints and history correctly and to be examined by a physician. The patient can sometimes be seen during an attack and the examination findings at this time may help in the diagnosis, but most of the time, the patient is seen by the allergist after the attack. After the attacks, the patient may not have any examination findings. Therefore, it is important to take the patient’s history and complaints well. Allergic asthma is seen with persistent cough attacks that develop especially at night and show repetitive features, lasting longer than 3 weeks, a feeling of tightness in the chest, and wheezing attacks. Apart from this, coughing or wheezing in the lungs after sports or exercise, coughing after every flu, and frequent coughing with seasonal transitions are important for allergic asthma.
Diagnosis of asthma in adults, examination findings are important
After the symptoms of allergic asthma are questioned, the examination is started. Examination finding may be completely normal. However, wheezing may be heard in the lungs during the period of coughing symptoms. It is said that a sound similar to a whistle sounds when breathing, especially by patients. Sometimes a sound can be heard while breathing, even from afar, without even listening to your back. Shortness of breath may occur. In the absence of allergic asthma symptoms, the lungs may appear completely normal.
Necessary tests should be done in the diagnosis of allergic asthma
After the allergic asthma symptoms are questioned and examined, tests are started. Allergy testing is required in patients with asthma. Between 60% and 80% of asthmatic patients are allergic asthma, so allergy testing is important. Necessary tests such as respiratory function test, blood tests, and lung films are performed. According to the results, it is decided whether there is allergic asthma or not.
Allergy testing is very important in the diagnosis of allergic asthma.
Allergy testing is very important in the diagnosis of allergic asthma. Performing allergy skin tests will show whether asthma is allergic. It is absolutely necessary to examine patients with asthma in terms of allergies. If asthma is allergic, two more options are added to drug treatment, such as avoiding allergens to which you are allergic and vaccination, which has a very important place in the treatment of asthma. With the allergy test, it is decided what the allergy is due to, the degree of allergy, and which allergen can be vaccinated with the appropriate allergen after the test. Allergy testing is the first priority to be done through the skin. Skin allergy tests give the most accurate results compared to blood allergy tests. Because the allergy test made from blood varies according to the quality of the device where the test is performed, while the allergy test made from the skin gives more accurate results. Although skin allergy testing can be done at any age for the diagnosis of allergic asthma, it is usually performed after 2-3 years of age in children and at any age in all adult patients. Allergy testing by allergy specialists is very important in terms of correct diagnosis and treatment, and deciding whether to start allergy vaccination. Tests performed by pulmonologists or ENT specialists who are not allergy specialists are misinterpreted. Physicians other than allergy specialists are not authorized to start allergy vaccinations. Incorrect tests performed by chest physicians and ENT physicians other than allergy physicians may lead to incorrect vaccines or unnecessary vaccination treatments for a long time.
For the diagnosis of allergy, some drugs should be discontinued one week before the allergy test.
For the diagnosis of allergic asthma, cough medications, allergy medications (antihistamines), cold and antidepressants should be discontinued a week before an allergy test is performed. In particular, antipyretic drugs containing decongestants or antihistamines should be discontinued by asking the doctor. However, in patients with more complaints, it would be more appropriate to first reduce the symptoms of the disease and then do an allergy test one week after the drugs are stopped.
Education is important for diagnosing allergic asthma
As with all allergic diseases, education is important for the diagnosis of allergic asthma. Experts who have received special training in allergic asthma and are active in this field are allergy specialists. Adult allergists are experts in internal medicine who have received training on allergic asthma and allergy diseases and have a diploma in adult allergy.
As a result;
- For the diagnosis of allergic asthma, first of all, allergy asthma symptoms are questioned.
- Patients with signs of allergic asthma are examined.
- After the allergic asthma examination, necessary tests are performed.
- It is important that allergy tests are performed by allergy specialists in the diagnosis of allergic asthma.
- Education is important in diagnosing allergic asthma, and experts who receive special training on this subject are allergists.