Food allergy treatment is the reaction of your child’s immune system to that food after eating a food. Even a small amount of an allergy-causing food can trigger symptoms in your child. For this reason, after the correct diagnosis by an allergy specialist, the treatment phase is very important for the disease not to progress. In this article, we explained the treatment of food allergy in your children.
Food Allergy Treatment
If you think your child has a food allergy, the only way to avoid these allergic reactions is to avoid foods that cause signs and symptoms. However, sometimes symptoms can be seen no matter how hard you try to avoid this food.
Your child can consume the food that is determined to be allergic as a result of the allergy test, or the foods that this food contains, without realizing it. In such cases, severe or non-severe symptoms occur. Treatments vary according to these symptoms.
Treatment for Second-Degree Reactions
In non-severe, that is, second-degree reactions of food allergy, antihistamine drugs recommended by your allergist who monitors your child help to reduce the symptoms. These antihistamine drugs are used to relieve the child by reducing the symptoms such as itching, urticaria, redness, swelling in the body after consuming the food to which your child is allergic.
Food Allergy Treatment for First Degree Reactions
It is useful to apply to an emergency room for first-degree, that is, severe symptoms seen in your child. Because the treatment methods to be applied here can prevent an anaphylaxis shock.
Important information:
Pediatric Allergy Specialists (newly known as Pediatric Immunology and Allergy Specialists) are doctors who have received a Pediatric Immunology and Allergy Specialist diploma by receiving special training on asthma and allergic diseases from birth to 18 years of age and are also Pediatric Health and Diseases Specialists.