Note: Contracted institutions vary according to the branch and doctor, we request detailed information from the call center.
Within the scope of the CGM service contract, after the individuals present their cards with the Promed/CGM logo and/or their cards and IDs showing that they are included in the membership program detailed below, they will receive service from our institution and pay the expenses themselves, within the CGM agreement rates.
The members of the institutions listed below can benefit from their institutions with patient payment.
- Medline Box Üyeleri Bireysel
- Medline Box Üyeleri Kurumsal
- Grupama Emeklilik
- Kobi Sağlık Paketi Üyeleri
- Roche Diagnostik
- Assist Line
- Ege Sigorta
- Demir Sigorta
- HDI Sigorta Acil Sağlık Sigortası
- HDI-GS Sigorta-Galatasaray Aslan Yürek-Aslan Taraftarım Güvende
- ACE Group Sigorta Üyeleri,Care Create (C&C) (Kry Grup)
- Mobil Plus Asist
- a-prestige card
- Turk asist card
- Safir card
- Çilek Grup
Note: Contracted institutions vary according to the branch and doctor, we request detailed information from the call center.
Türkiye İş Bankası employees (patients can benefit from their institutions with payment)
Note: Contracted institutions vary according to the branch and doctor, we request detailed information from the call center.
Municipalities (patients can benefit from their institutions with payment)
Note: Contracted institutions vary according to the branch and doctor, we request detailed information from the call center.
Istanbul Bar Association Members (patients can benefit from their institutions with payment)