Asthma in adults is the most important and progressive and fatal disease among the allergic diseases we hear frequently today. Asthma will be more common in the future. Allergic asthma develops due to the damage caused by the allergens of the ducts that we call the bronchus that make up our airways in our lungs. Asthma is an airway disease accompanied by shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing, and consecutive cough as a result of narrowing of the bronchi.
Causes of Asthma in Adults
Allergic asthma is becoming an increasing problem for many people, especially with urban life, and it is a health problem whose frequency is increasing day by day. As in other ages, the biggest cause of asthma in adults is the result of contact with the allergen. When we say this percentage is asthma, sometimes up to 80% allergic asthma comes to mind. Apart from this, it may occur in the form of attacks as a result of encountering irritant stimuli containing chemicals such as dust, paint, perfume, detergents or as a result of an infection. Allergic asthma is sometimes called allergic bronchitis, spastic bronchitis, asthma. Generally, asthma associated with allergies is called allergic asthma.
What is the Frequency of Asthma?
Asthma is a serious public health problem, which is estimated to affect 300 million of the world’s population, although it varies according to various regions of the world. In our country, it can be seen in 5-7 out of every 100 adults, that is, one in 10 people. Air pollution or regional differences in the environment we live in are changing these rates, it seems to be a more serious problem, especially for those living in the city.
Asthma Symptoms in Adults
Although asthma usually presents as shortness of breath, wheezing and cough, sometimes it may appear as a recurrent cough that does not go away. This condition, which occurs with cough, is actually a type of asthma. Allergic asthma can sometimes only occur when the patient encounters allergens such as house dust, pollen, cat, dog or latex, in other cases he may have no complaints. Therefore, asthma complaints can progress slowly and turn into permanent asthma over time. In fact, when these patients are considered, we may encounter asthma more frequently than we know.