Anadolu Ajansı – December 10, 2020

President of the Allergy and Asthma Society Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akçay, “If an allergy has developed against your cat or dog and if there are symptoms of this allergy, first of all, an allergy test should be done.” said.

President of Allergy and Asthma Society Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akçay stated that allergy vaccines can be administered against cat, dog and horse hair.

In his written statement, Akçay explained that pet allergy is an allergic reaction that develops against the proteins found in an animal’s skin cells, saliva or urine, and that it is often triggered by exposure to the dead skin of a pet in its fur.

Pointing out that pet allergies can occur in adults and children, Akçay noted that the probability of catching an allergy for someone with a risk factor is higher than a person without a risk factor.

Akçay describes the symptoms of pet allergy as “sneezing”, “itchy and watery eyes”, “running or stuffy nose”, “skin itching”, mouth and throat itching”, “cough”, “raised, red spots on the skin, hives”, He listed it as “symptoms of asthma such as chest tightness, difficulty breathing or wheezing.”

Prof. Dr. Akçay noted that the following measures can be taken to minimize the effects of pet allergies:

“If you have a pet, try to minimize physical contact with it. After contact with your pet, wash your hands with soap and water. Be careful not to touch your face and eyes after physical contact with your pet. Pet hair can stay on carpets and upholstery for a very long time. For this reason, traction It may be helpful to use a high-power vacuum cleaner. Constantly clean the fabric upholstery in the house. Use more efficient air-conditioning filters that can help remove unwanted allergenic particles from the air. Trim your pet’s nails and fur when necessary. Minimize the use of carpets and rugs that can trap pet dander and other allergens”.

Allergy vaccine shows its effect within 6 months

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akçay stated that if there is an allergy to a cat or dog and if there are symptoms of allergy, an allergy test should be done first, and gave the following information:

“Skin test or blood allergy test can be done. Molecular allergy testing provides useful information to show whether the true allergy is cat or dog or cross-reaction. Sometimes, those who are allergic to cat hair can also develop allergies to the dog as a result of cross-reactions, and allergy symptoms when exposed to dog hair can also be done. Decision making based on molecular allergy test while making allergy vaccine allows for more effective vaccine administration. Allergy vaccines are administered once a week in the first 4 months, then the interval is opened and a vaccine is administered once a month at the end of 1 year. Allergy vaccine shows its effect within 6 months. “Allergy symptoms disappear, the need for medication is eliminated and the quality of life increases significantly. Allergy vaccines can be applied against cats, dogs and horse hair, and very successful results are obtained.”

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